Together we will agree the coaching approach that will get you the outcome you desire:

My non-directive coaching approach - this involves setting our overarching Coaching goals at the start of the relationship and then in each session you decide what you want the outcome of that particular session to be. I will hold the coaching space for you to achieve that outcome. For example your overarching coaching goal might be to build confidence and be promoted in 12 months but in each session you might want to focus on mindset, strengths, influencing skills, personal brand or your relationship with your boss, it’s your choice. You set the agenda for the session and I create the conditions for you to achieve your desired outcome. It’s creative, powerful and empowering.

My directive coaching approach - this works particularly well for career changers and involves a blend of coaching, mentoring, assessments, resources and exercises. We will follow my bespoke career change process specifically designed for working parents. This option works well if you are not familiar with non-directive coaching, have no idea what career you want to do next, love a structure and feel comforted knowing we are following an end to end rigorous, evidence-based process that leaves no stone unturned.


This is for you if you are not happy, thriving or achieving your career potential. Or you might be seeking a promotion, stepping up into a new role, or considering a career change. You are seeking a non-judgemental space to think and gain the clarity, confidence, courage and accountability to make a change.

Here are some common focus areas:

  • Clarity on whether to change career

  • Explore possible new career paths, create a plan and be held accountable to achieve it

  • Create a life and career vision and plan

  • Increase your self awareness to build confidence eg identify your unique strengths, core values, achievements, skills and work motivators

  • Create your unique personal or leadership brand

  • Create and accept your new identity as a working parent

  • Achieve a smooth transition into and out of maternity leave

  • Equip yourself with tools to manage your inner critic and build confidence

  • Set boundaries and healthy habits to protect your work life balance and avoid burnout

  • Build the communication and influencing skills to manage up and manage down

  • Handle difficult conversations and conflict with confidence


*Packages start at £1800 for corporates and £1200 for charities and individuals and are bespoke to meet your needs.

1 x 45 min Exploratory call with Sponsor
1 x 45 min Exploratory call with Coachee
1 x 45 min Contracting call with Sponsor and Coachee
1 x 90 min Coaching session
5 x 60 min Coaching sessions
1 x 45 min Reflection Point sessions
Email support in between sessions
All resources included


Based on my training as a licensed and certified Firework Career Change Coach and Motherhood Studies practitioner, I have created an end-to-end career change programme specifically for working parents who are not clear what they want to do and are seeking a structured, evidence-based and rigorous approach which gives them the clarity, confidence and courage they need to pursue a new career that’s aligned with who they are. See below for an overview - feel free to book a call below so we can discuss exactly what’s involved.


*Packages start at £2,900 for Corporates and £2,400 for individuals and charities and are bespoke to meet your needs.

1 x 45 min Exploratory call with Sponsor
1 x 45 min Exploratory call with Coachee
1 x 45 min Contracting call with Sponsor and Coachee
1 x 90 min Coaching session
11 x 60 min Coaching sessions
2 x 45 min Reflection Points
Email support in between sessions
All resources included

What my clients say…

“I have had two other coaches before, and numerous therapists and counsellors throughout my life! I can honestly say, from the bottom of my heart, that you have been an excellent coach. From the outset I felt that we had rapport. You made me feel comfortable talking about everything and anything, you are a fantastic listener, and you have the ability to take in the information I am saying and then say it back to me with understanding, purpose, and either offer actions or theory to follow this up. This has been hugely beneficial to me in building trust and in making me feel heard and understood. So honestly, in this short space of time that we have been working together, I cannot comment on areas of improvement because I am so impressed at all of the things you have done so well!”

— Sarah


“Lucy was on my wavelength and I found the career coaching sessions with her inspiring. We covered a huge amount of ground in just six sessions and I have emerged with a clearer idea of my future direction, values and personal brand. I feel more accepting of myself and am much more positive about the next stage of my career than I have been for a long time..”

— Alice

“I gained a huge amount from being coached by Lucy! It gave me the head space and time to think through the way I was feeling. It helped to guide me through a difficult transition in going back to work and getting my confidence back. I really underestimated how much maternity leave had affected my confidence. I think coaching with you should be essential for all women returning to work! I would argue it’s an essential piece of self care.

— Claire

“It gave me time to pause and reflect on my life (that generally feels like it’s going at 100mph and at the same time going no where!). It’s helped me to challenge my inner voice that is crammed full of insecurities and anxieties. And it’s given me the courage to change job roles and try new ways of working flexibly.”

— Annette

“Being coached by Lucy exceeded my expectations. I had such a positive and transformative experience and my sessions with her felt like such a gift. It was raw, emotional and amazing and I am so pleased to say I feel like me again. I found it hard at first to be vulnerable but am now much more comfortable in this state and I feel more courageous and confident. With Lucy's support and empathy I dug deep and developed a strong growth mindset, shed the skin of the conditioning that no longer served me (this, in particular has been game-changing as she taught me some useful re frames that were healing) and am able to walk the talk in my business and as a thought leader. I am currently in a growth stage of my business and I am excited for the next step of the journey. It has been such a journey of self discovery and what I am capable of. Thank you Lucy, I am incredibly grateful to you.”

— Nicola

“Lucy is an empathetic, knowledgable, encouraging and warm coach which felt incredibly important during a process that was at times, uncomfortable and difficult but ultimately cathartic and empowering. I felt I gained so much. She has given me the ability to calm my anxious mind, to assess my thoughts and actions but more importantly to look to the future with positivity. After each session I felt energised and ready to take on the world!”

— Amanda

“Coaching gave me more confidence in my ability. It encouraged me to focus on my strengths and introduce daily practices to keep it up. I understand myself better and feel more settled now I know what’s important to me. I can cut through all the noise in my head to react to situations and make decisions that are in line with what I truly believe in. Lucy’s approach helped me to step out of the detail and look at the bigger picture.

— Katie

I believe trust and rapport are the key to a successful coaching relationship

If we don’t “get” each other, you won’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with me and transformational change will not happen.

This is why I offer a complimentary 45 minute call before we commit to working together.

We will explore where you are now, where you want to be and which coaching approach is best for you taking into account your desired outcome, level of self awareness and budget. Together we will decide if we are a good fit for coaching. And if we don’t believe we are, I have a wide network of excellent Professional Coaches I can recommend.

I’d love to meet you!